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Maintaining your digital presence during second lockdown

The hospitality industry has faced change after change this year, navigating the challenges catalysed by closure, re-opening, new health and safety procedures, government initiatives, travel restrictions and closure once again.

In the midst of this logistical rollercoaster, marketing activity has remained essential in maintaining visibility, offering reassurance and delivering creativity, all of which are just as important during the second national lockdown as they were during the first.

Digital channels are one of the only ways that your wider audience can stay connected to your brand, so while you may have more pressing priorities, it could be incredibly costly to let your online marketing activity slip below the radar. To help you out, we’ve compiled a few key thoughts on how you can maintain your digital presence during the second lockdown, including content ideas for each category.

Maintaining your digital presence during second lockdown

Nothing to market? 

Wrong! There is so much more to marketing than securing an immediate sale. Continue to remain visible to your target audience, showcasing the character and identity of your brand in everything you do. Engage and interact with your followers to maintain their relationship with your business, and take this time to evaluate, refresh and strategize to improve your marketing performance in future periods. 

Content ideas: 

  • Moments and memories
  • Inspiration
  • Guest testimonials
  • Interiors
  • Exteriors
  • History 
  • Tours 
  • Throwbacks
  • Staff interviews / meet the team

Informed and informing 

With an overwhelming volume of information available about the pandemic and current restrictions, ensure that you stay on top of all the developments which could affect you and your audience. Not only will this be essential in shaping your communications mix for the weeks ahead, but demonstrating that you are well informed and responding to news will also contribute to building guest confidence, trust and loyalty. 

Content ideas: 

  • Practical information
  • News and updates
  • Opening hours 
  • Reopening preparations / dates
  • Takeaway and delivery details
  • Health and safety measures
  • Booking processes / contingencies
  • Offers and discounts
  • Mailing list subscription

Be creative 

Sharing creative content will help you to build brand awareness, improve audience interaction and stand out from competitors, each of which will likely be striving to secure room occupancy and table bookings for the same periods as you. As you take the time to step back and plan for the future, consider how you could do something a little different to keep your audience engaged and add value to their experience with your brand. 

Content ideas: 

  • Competitions 
  • Influencers
  • Blog series (Christmas events, day plans, fine dining from home) 
  • Recipes
  • Wine tasting 
  • Cocktail mixing 
  • Tours 

The coronavirus pandemic is temporary, but the actions we take during this challenging time could have a lasting impact on our future business practices. Keeping your digital presence active, strong and memorable will strengthen the foundations of your communication mix and open doors for continued growth and refinement as life returns to a more familiar “normal”. 

Arise remains open (9am - 5pm, Monday to Friday) and our team are available at short notice for online marketing support.

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